Plant Halo

In our industry we know that people plant interface is one of the highest risk environments for our workforce. We work hard to implement safe systems of work and to train personnel to recognise the segregation required when working around plant and machinery.

We have red zone training for this and it is quite effective and uses colour visual learning, meaning the red zone is a no go area. But sometimes people slip up, they make mistakes and the unknowingly walk into the exclusion zone. Having identified this happening more frequently during night works, we realised something further needed to be done.

We were approached by the BMJV project for ideas to help further the awareness for the risks surrounding people plant interface. We had seen a system used on rail that projected dots on to the ground so we approached Fhoss who adapted this system for us to create a full exclusion zone around the excavator in the form of a solid red line. This line delineates the red exclusion zone around the excavator and gives a clear message to personnel that risk lies beyond the line and to keep away. It’s highly visible at night. It also benefits from being dynamic, and when the machine moves the projection comes with it. Something that physical barriers cannot do.

Having trialed this on an M O’Brien 14t wheeled excavator, we are very pleased and would like to share this with the industry, so that they too can see what we have done and implement this exclusion Zone, going forward we are hoping to improve the brightness intensity of the light projection so it will be visible also in daylight (a work in progress)

This feature is available to all of our customers going forward alongside our range of other safety devices.

Derek Mickleburgh, Divisional Works Manger- Highways BMJV M27 – “I am really pleased that this device has now been fitted and we can see the potential that it has to improve knowledge and understanding of our exclusion zone that excavators present, We can use this device to work alongside that behaviour to help people recognise it as a no go zone. M O’Brien have been very proactive with getting this implemented and have been able to provide valuable input to produce the final version We look to continue this relationship as leaders in the industry and improve it further.

Daniel O’Brien, Director – M O’Brien Group – “We like being able to collaborate with our clients to find new best practice and innovations for our equipment. The HALO is something that really helps highlight the segregation required for people plant interface to the workforce and help reduce the possibility of those ‘lack of concentration moments’ where people unknowingly wander into the danger zone. The system itself looks quite smart and I foresee that we will be rolling this out to many more projects who share our vision for making equipment safer.
I’m also very happy that BMJV asked us to work with them on this innovation”

If you would like any more information on M OBrien Plant hires Nationwide hire service please do not hesitate to contact us by:
Phone: 01582 840045
Email: [email protected]


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If you would like any more information on M O’Brien Plant hires Nationwide hire service please do not hesitate to contact us by:
Phone: 01582 840045
Email: [email protected]

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