M O’Brien Plant hire are pleased to announce the delivery of their first vacuum excavator from RSP suction excavators. With vacuum excavation technology improving all the time, we are now able to minimise the risk of cable and utility strikes using this improved technology as opposed to traditional digging methods. We see this as a big step in the right direction to improve safety for the task of excavating near uncharted or buried services and we are happy to be involved in this safer more efficient method.
How it works
- The hose of the vacuum excavator is held and firmly guided by a four piece hydraulic boom which is operated by remote control from a safe distance by a trained operator.
- Once the hose is above the material to excavate the fans are turned on starting the suction process.
- The material will make its way up the pipe and into the onboard storage chamber capable of carrying 8 cubic meters of material.
- During the whole process dust and fine particles are prevented from becoming airborne by the micromesh filter in the storage chamber, keeping the working zone free of dust/
- During the excavation it may be apparent that the material gets harder and more solid, so onboard the excavator there are a number of tools to deal with different conditions i.e. reduced pipe size for narrow areas, air lance for loosening material and air breakers for breaking up the hard surface, all driven by a built in compressor.
- Once the 8 cubic meter storage chamber has been filled, there are a number of options for disposal. It can be taken to an on site stockpile, an 8 wheel tipper can be pulled alongside to tip directly into or we can arrange for the spoil to be disposed of offsite.

We believe that the vacuum excavators will be a welcome addition to our fleet and our customers can rely on us to provide vacuum excavation services to the high operational standard that they can expect from us. For more information on our vacuum excavators please contact our hire desk on 01582 840045 or [email protected]