In Celebration of our newly formed partnership with the Mates in mind charity, M O’Brien group will be making the commitment to our staff to provide them with support for their mental health. The statistics to the left show why it is so important that we remove the stigma surrounding depression, anxiety, stress and many more. Talk to your family, friends and colleagues, there is no shame in saying you are not ok.
All M O’Brien Group staff will now have access to the Mates in mind resources. And We will be rolling out new programmes and information over the coming weeks. Including mental health first aid courses for interested people.
The first step towards improving mental well being is to start the conversation Starting a conversation can allow you to openly talk about mental wellbeing,
which can contribute to overcoming the stigma attached to this complex
issue. By including information about mental health and wellbeing within
your everyday conversations about worker safety and wellbeing, you can
‘normalise’ discussing it.
Some ways you can think about starting a conversation:
• Check someone’s ok over a cuppa
• If you’ve noticed someone’s not been around call or text them to ask how
they’re doing
• Go for a lunchtime walk with a workmate
• Think about how you talk to them about this and take care when choosing
your words
• If it feels right, consider sharing your experience
Importantly, it’s about showing care and awareness about those around you.
We know that World Mental Health Day is good opportunity for individuals and organisations to raise the profile of mental health and wellbeing.
However, we know that one day of addressing and discussing the complex and widespread issue of mental ill-health and wellbeing will not completely
change the culture of a company or the industry. We all have a part to play in making the change real, and that is how M O’Brien and Mates in mind is supporting
our staff be the change the industry needs.
For more information please visit